Who we are looking for?
Self-motivated individuals who are interested in a career in the Lawn and Landscape industry. Coach-able individuals willing to learn the skills, techniques, and procedures, used in our Company. Responsible and respectful individuals who will show up to work on time, complete all scheduled work and daily tasks, and not make excuses.
What are job requirements for Employees/Applicants?
Be willing to commit at least 1 year with the company. be at least 18 years old have a valid NC drivers license have an insurable driving record have reliable transportation to work be able to lift 80 pounds be willing to work l0 hours in a day be willing to work in inclement weather (i.e. very hot days)
How much does the job pay?
There are several factors that determine starting pay such as experience, skill level, and education; generally speaking however, someone with no experience can expect to receive $7.50 - $8.00 an hour during their probation period (the first 30 - 60 days), and $9.50 per credit hour after their probation period. In addition to hourly rates we offer monthly bonuses up to $100, as well as extra compensation for learning additional trade skills.
What is Piece Work?
King of the Green Lawn Care & Landscape Design, LLC uses a compensation program that pays team members by the job, instead of by the hour. Also known as "Piece Work", this system has been found to reward employees well beyond their hourly rate. Because every job is allotted a specific time, and team members are paid based on that time; the result is the faster the job is completed, the higher dollar amount per hour you make.
How frequently do I get paid?
Paychecks are issued every other Friday for work completed the two previous weeks. Because of payroll processing, you will never receive payment on Friday for the week you just worked. You will always be one week behind. Monthly bonuses and extra compensation are included in the first paycheck in the new month.
How do I advance?
It is company policy to promote within the company. Promotions are offered to individuals who take time to learn the additional skills required for advancement. Please refer to the Employment main page for a list of job requirements.
What are the hours you'll expect me to work?
Exact times will vary depending on work-load, however weekdays you are expected to be picked up or meet at a specific location between 6:30 and 7:00am (depending on the day), and will generally work an 8 to 10 hour day. 50 hours per week is the maximum we expect our team members to work.
Will I have to work weekends?
Because much of what we do depends on the weather, it is sometimes necessary to work Saturdays. On weeks where Saturday work is necessary, you will be notified at least 24-hours in advance. We never work on Sundays.
Can I work another job when I'm not working here?
So long as the 2nd job you have is not in direct conflict with us (i.e. another lawn and landscaping firm, applications company etc.), and the job will not interfere with our schedule.